To anyone who reads this, we didn't completely disappear off the face of the earth:) Dear Parents, Students, and everyone else involved, ScienceTeX isn't completely dead. All of the core pundits (us!) who were teaching had to undergo the biggest next phase of our life, college!
As we are settling into college, we intend to see what we can do to keep the mission of kids educated in advanced science, a continuous thing.
We do plan at the current time, to mothball any future plans of teaching live lessons. Live lessons like that are completely infeasible as all of us are extremely high-pressure Pre-Medicine students at different universities with extremely hard classes. We will continuously keep designing and engineering a better, more interactive, higher quality SuperPortal with more updates on that coming soon. (We have a lot of plans on that. We also plan on leveraging professors and many other exceptional people to create something truly special)
However, we'd like to give you an update on where each of us is studying.
After finishing high school, Aadavan has chosen to attend the University of Florida, a historically prestigious public university with over 57K students, that is ranked in the Top-5 of all public universities, and 29th overall of all universities in the country. He will be studying Microbiology and Cell Science on a Pre-Medicine track at the University.
After finishing high school, Shiven has chosen to attend the renowned Brown University, a member of the prestigious Ivy League and a private university that has over 8K students, and is ranked 13th amongst all universities in the country. He will be studying Neuroscience on a Pre-Medicine track at the University.
After finishing high school, Ashwin has chosen to attend Virginia Tech, a famous public university, a historically known institution known for innovation and its excellent engineering programs. It ranks 23rd in all public universities, and 62nd of all Universities in the country. He will be studying Biomedical engineering, and pursuing research, on the Pre-Medicine track.
After finishing high school, Sharvika has chosen to attend the University of Miami, a prestigious private university known for its excellent academics, research, and unique campus. It ranks 55th of all universities in the nation and has over 19K students. She will be studying on the Pre-Medicine track.
After finishing high school, Sidharth has chosen to attend the historically famous Rhodes College, a private liberal arts college known its for its excellent academics and small student to teacher ratio. It's a private liberal arts college with only about 1.8K students, and is ranked 54th of all liberal arts colleges in the country. He will be studying neuroscience on the pre-medicine track.
After finishing high school, Amrutha has chosen to attend the renowned St. Louis University, a private Jesuit university. It's a famous university known for its research and academia, and ranks 105th of all universities in the country, with over 12K students. She has been accepted into their prestigious and notoriously competitive BS:MD program, which has secured her acceptance to SLU's Medical School upon the finish of her Bachelors.
So what's next?
Now that we have been accepted and are settling, it will take time for us to truly reboot ScienceTeX. Rest assured, we will. We are still exploring what we can do to maximize our effect and provide the most benefit to kids and many others. Stay Tuned!
Thanks for Reading!

The moon is here to represent that we may have disappeared into space. Rest assured, the return ship is preparing for launch.