ScienceTeX is a youth-led organization whose goals are to debunk high school and college level science and make it approachable to young students from finishing elementary to entering High School. We started ScienceTeX in an effort accelerate the curriculum of Science, as we believe much of science can be understood and comprehended by the youth, through interactive education and the application of technology. To date, we have proved that our goal has been possible, as we have witnessed kids as young as 4th grade perform on par with a College level (AP) science curriculum, something that 11th and 12th graders learn and first year college students.
It started when we entered High-School, and experienced our first high school and "college-level" science classes. After a while in the classes, we came to the conclusion, that not only is the supposed high school and "college level" science easy to learn, but it's even easier to teach to much younger kids when taken slowly and interactively. We feel that by extrapolating what we have learned and keep learning, we can teach science to middle schoolers and (even 5th graders) that is leagues above the level of the science that they are learning now, by taking a different, more simplified approach to it. At the end of the day, every kid has their own talent, and sometimes learning something new and challenging exposes that talent and helps drive that kid to really develop a passion for something that he may carry all the way to his career and beyond.
Our goal is to enable everyone, and eliminate distinct "levels" of science, be it biology, chemistry, or engineering. You'll be surprised to how easy some "high-school and college" level science is.